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This guide is specifically for setting up basic alerting and reporting on your node using nodectl.

This feature will report if the node falls off the cluster for any reason other than a network outage directly related to the node.


It is important to understand that nodectl's alerting feature can only alert when the node is available on the network. If the node falls off the network and is no longer accessible, any alerts that are created will not be able to egress from the node and therefore will not be received by the receiving party or service.

â—½ Prerequisites

nodectl's alerting feature utilizes gmail to send out alerts to/from. You will be required to setup a gmail account with 2-Step Verification and create an access token (app password) for nodectl to use to send alerts and reports to.

These steps are covered in this quick start guide.

â—½ Create a Gmail account

Follow the following procedure directly from Gmail's support page.

Alternatively, you can use an existing Gmail account if you already own one.

â—½ Enable 2-Step Verification

If you already have 2-step verification enabled you can skip this step.

Follow the following procedure to enable 2-factor authentication.


This is required in order to obtain an email access token for nodectl to use!

â—½ Open Gmail Account Management

Access your gmail account as normal.

From the top right click on your avatar icon and select Manage your Google Account.

â—½ Access Security Panel

From the left side menu click on Security.

â—½ Create an App Password

  • From the right menu click on 2-Step Verfication.
  • Scroll down to App passwords section.
  • Expand the App passwords section by clicking on the arrow to the right of the section.

Enter in an App name such as constellation_alerts (example only, you can use this name or choose a name to your liking).

Click on the Create button.

A module will pop up with a new app password. Write this down...



This app password (which we can refer to as a token) will not be retrievable once you close the module displaying it.

If you lose this token, you can delete the app password by clicking on the trash can icon next to the app password with the name you used, and then create a new app password.

â—½ Determine Timezone

nodectl's alerting feature requires an understanding of your local timezone. If nodectl knows your local timezone, it can help report alerts with local timezones, instead of translating manually from UTC.

The VPS that your node is running on should be using UTC. You can also use UTC for alerting, this is up to you.

You can lookup your timezone here.


You must use the exact string wording as found in the above list for your node's alerting to work properly. Failure to do so will result in errors.


Do not use direct timezone shortcuts like CET or EST.

For exmaple:

  • New York USA, will use America/New_York
  • Zurich, GE will use Europe/Zurich

If your city is not in the list, use a city that is in the same timezone as your location. For exampe:

  • If you live in Miami USA you will use America/New_York or US/Eastern.

Write down your timezone for later use.

â—½ SSH into Your VPS

ssh -i /path/to/ssh/private/key nodeadmin@vps_ip_address

Refer to SSH Explanation, Mac SSH Guide, and Windows SSH Guide for detailed understanding.

â—½ Start Configurator

We will enter into the configurator using the -e (edit), -cb (confirm backups), and -d (detailed mode) options.

sudo nodectl configure -e -cb -d

â—½ Enter Alerting Setup

N) Setup Alerting

â—½ Configure Alerting

We will be greeted with a New Configuration Detected message.

Press any key to continue and start entering the required input as prompted. Each option will include a detailed explanation of what is being requested from you.

You can also use the reference table below.

option to enterdescription
gmail accountThis is the gmail account that you setup with the App password and created for your App password token through.
tokenThis is the App password token you created during the initial gmail account setup.
send method'multi' (recommended) send strategy will send a single email per email address. The 'single' send strategy
recipient emailsWhat email addresses do you want the alerts and daily report sent to? If you have multiple emails that will be receiving messages from the alerting module such as a mobile provider email and a local email, you must separate each email by a comma. example),
time zoneIn order to make your alerts more reader friendly, nodectl will convert the default UTC time utilized by the node into your local time zone for you. You should have retrieved this string value from the quick start guide on Constellation Network's documentation hub: here.
begin alerting hourWhat hour in UTC 24 hour format, do you want alerting to start. Enter 0 for always.
end alerting hourWhat hour in UTC 24 hour format, do you want alerting to start. Enter 0 for always.
send report hourWhat hour in UTC 24 hour format, do you want the daily report to be sent. Each day, nodectl will send the report only once, as soon as the configured UTC hour is reached. Only a single report will be sent each day.
  • Confirm the values you entered.

â—½ Quit Configurator

Once you complete the process, you will be returned to the main menu.


â—½ Test an Alert

sudo nodectl auto_restart alert_test

Check your email for the test to come in.


Please remember to adhere to the normal spam protocols by marking any incoming email as "not spam" if the spam filter catches it.


In some cases, you may need to contact your cell phone provider and make sure they are aware that your email is not phishing, so that they do not "black hole" it. If you are sending to your mobile phone number and do not receive it. Add another valid email to make sure the email is being received before other troubleshooting.

â—½ Test a Report

sudo nodectl auto_restart send_report

â—½ Troubleshooting

You may troubleshoot your alerting module here.